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Beef Steaks

Rib eye steak

Rib eye is from the rib section of our grass fed cows and is the center best potion of rib steak. It's known for...

Sirloin Steak

Sirloin comes from the upper side area of a cow. It sits near Porterhouse and T-bone cuts and is above the loin....

NY Strip Steak

A particularly tender cut from the short loin, an area behind the ribs. Order by the number of packages you would...

Skirt Steak

A flavorful cut of beef from the plate area of a cow, which is beneath the ribs. Order by the number of packages...

Sandwich Steak

Thinly sliced beef great for steak sandwiches, steak and eggs or sauteed with vegetables. Order by the number of...

T-Bone Steak

T-bone cuts come from the short loin on the back of the steer. It contains a T-shaped bone that has meat on either...

Thick cut Porterhouse Steak

The porterhouse steak comes from where the tenderloin and top loin meet. It's great grilled, broiled or pan...

Thick-Cut Rib Steak

Rib Steaks cut an inch and a half thick.

Porter house

Regular cut 1 inch thick

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